I have a theory about why Valentine's Day is such a well-celebrated holiday (aside from the obvious commercialization).
Some (many) people forget to let those special people in their lives know how much they are valued and loved. Let's face it - time goes by, and after long lapses any mention of 'appreciation' would just sound corny, lame, insincere or perhaps reek of alterior motives. But... thanks to Valentine's Day the forgetful masses get a 'do over', an annual chance to refill their special someone's emotional bank account (and perhaps be allowed out of the proverbial doghouse for a while).
Forgetting to show appreciation can also happen to your past-client database. Are you keeping in touch? Are you remembering to tell them how much you appreciated their past business, and reminding them that they can refer friends and family to you confidently? These people are your fans - they chose you and you did a great job for them - don't pass up a chance to touch base with them regularly!
If you're apprehensive about reconnecting because of the long time that has passed since last contact (ie: V-day) create your own reason for touching base! Choose a holiday like Mother's Day, or a seasonal change like spring gardening. You can also send a note along the lines of 'Happy Anniversary You've enjoyed your home for 3 Years' - you get the picture.
Create a reason for contacting your clients initially, and once you've reconnected, keep that contact part of your routine. Referral business from these folks will happen if you take some time regularly to show you care.