Thursday, June 24, 2010

RE/MAX chay Annual Charity Golf Tournament 2010

Despite the surrounding natural disasters of the day (earthquakes tornadoes) Our group at RE/MAX chay managed to host a fun filled event, and at the same time raise money for the Seasons Centre for Grieving and Traumatized Children.  Golf skills were certainly not a prerequisite to participate in the event, and in some cases (read: scores) math skills were also questionable :)   A Great Day, Great Cause - thanks to all who participated in making the day such a success!! 

Click on the link below to watch some footage from the day

Monday, June 21, 2010

Our Board is up 100 sales over this time last year (year to date)

Does the title surprise you?  Those of us with school-aged children are perhaps even more aware of the fact that the summer has not yet begun- as I write this it's officially the first day of summer.  We've been lucky to have some early summer weather - unfortunately some Realtors are conducting their businesses as if they are already in a slower summer market.  While summer markets do tend to level off naturally, as many families are vacationing and home hunting gets put lower on the priority list - make no mistake - There are buyers out there looking.    I can tell you that within our offices the well-priced listings are still receiving multiple offers.  Our local (Barrie & District) real estate board stats indicate that we are in fact up approx. 100 sales year to date, as compared to last year - sales this year in the month of May contributed largely.  Interestingly, unit sales above the $250,000 price point are up this year, and unit sales below $250,000 are currently down (a reversal of 2009).

As you would expect, a slowdown in new home starts has been projected nationally for 2010.  Aside from the obvious economic slowdowns contributing to this - the new HST costs added on to new home construction will also have an impact, certainly in Ontario.  It will be interesting to see whether this has a positive effect on our resale market - particularily on the higher (over $400 K) priced new homes.  Remember, there are several new and existing input tax credits to be taken advantage of when building a new home - check with your builder (schedule A) - check with your lawyer - check with your accountant - doing your homework could save you $$

Of course we are not HST experts - however, as real estate professionals - we need to be aware of these existing conditions and refer our clients to those who are experts, in order to serve their best interests.

'The only things for certain are Death and Taxes'   -seems an even wiser saying these days doesn't it?


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Handling the Real Estate 'distractions'

The RE/MAX agents in our company with longevity and who thrive, have a very simple secret.  No matter what is happening in the market,  they consistently provide top quality service for their clients, and they consistently keep in regular touch with the families in their database by providing relevant information or simply a quick 'hello'.  This skill seems so obvious, and yet it's often dropped by the wayside in favour of 'what's new and what's next'.  Distractions are a Realtor's worst enemy and often result in a detrimental loss of focus

example A:   'I should have contacted my database this month, but I was just too busy running with my Buyers.'  That distraction (note I've chosen a kinder word than 'excuse'?) doesn't cut it - database loyalty is a two-way street, and you can't afford to drop the 'regular contact' ball so make the time.

example B:  'The market/economy has been so slow lately - I have nothing to tell my clients so I'll wait for some positive...'  What?!!!  there is always something positive to say, whether it's a projection for the future, a good Buyers' market, or just a hello - MAKE CONTACT

They say that in any situation if you feel overwelmed, it's always best to go back to basics.  Well, these are the basics, how about just never deviating from them?? - think about how powerful that could be - how focussed and unflappable you would feel.  Take control of your business today - pick 2 or 3 things and do them consistently despite the 'Distractions' which will always come up wearing different disguises.

Speaking as someone known to be 'easily distracted' focus can be accomplished using baby steps.
It's progress not perfection - But.... you do have to TAKE THAT FIRST STEP - Loyal Clients are yours for the nurturing.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Enough already! The new HST is confusing to the Consumer!

The new Harmonized sales tax comes into effect July 1st.  Essentially, it will mirror all things that used to be GST applicable as well as a few other items that previously weren't.  Whether I agree with the tax is really a mute point - what concerns me, is that the general public seems to misunderstand how the HST applies to a real estate transaction.  Over the last 4 weeks our market has slowed somewhat - yes, there are still multiple offers coming in on well priced homes and certainly the real estate market did heat up sooner this year as compared to last year BUT... Buyers seem to want to wait until 'this whole HST thing settles' before they go house hunting.  When pressed as to why they feel they should wait, it becomes apparent that they feel the HST will be tacked onto the entire purchase price of the home. NOT SO! on a residential resale home, the HST only applies to the commissions payable by (usually the Seller) as well as the legal fees, any home inspections, surveys or other services.

Knowledge is Power...
What can the current HST misunderstandings mean to a Seller?  Certainly a little frustration, since we seem to have some timid Buyers out there.  But shrewd Buyers who are clear on the HST implications and therefore actively looking for a home to buy - have the advantage of avoiding major competition among numerous Buyers.  If you are currently working with Buyers OR have some 'on the fence' - educate them NOW and encourage them to take advantage of this knowledge.

Our industry will always present us with unique challenges - the key is that successful agents use these challenges as a means to leverage more business by keeping their Clients and potential Clients educated.

I encourage you to use the HST information as a reason to contact and educate your clients.

Happy Selling