Monday, August 23, 2010

End of Summer Checklist?

Okaaay the summer's winding down (1st day of school 'bout 2 weeks away) and perhaps you're mentally reviewing your 'kidz activities' checklist?  Some of you have 'been there-done that' years ago, and some won't have a clue what I'm referring to - my list kinda looks like this...
*  Wonderland
*  Beach
*  Cottage
*  Sporting events (Argos, Jays, Baycats)
*  CNE
*  etc.......

What the heck?!!  I'm certain that my kids have had a terrific summer, but for some reason I still feel compelled to entertain them (so as adults, they don't appear on Jerry Springer claiming their issues began with a sketchy childhood).  What I've found over the years is that sometimes the best and most valuable times my kids n I have spent, have involved quality time while enroute to an activity - and not always involving the expensive trappings of a national lampoon's family vacation. (for your clients and database that could equate to flyers, magnets, gifts, newsletters, notepads etc).

So my point is - aside from your 'items of value' your clients and database need some regular attention - but endeavour to make quality connections with them where possible.  Quick calls to see how they are doing (and actually listening to their answers) is worthwhile.  Touching base and reconnecting with your database is a nice way to ease out of the summer pace and into the fall - with lots of potential topics for conversation.

Start reconnecting with quality and sincerity!

By the way, I'm very aware that kids (and clients) are not always 'open' to dialogue - be patient - pick your moments - never give up!  (chuckle) Now, I'm off to Wonderland :)

Happy Selling,
