Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to stay motivated over the 'summer holiday' season?

The good news is that our summer weather has been fabulous - but...  our market activity typically slows down as families set aside their housing priorities, and head for beaches, cottages, and backyard pools.

How do successful Realtors stay motivated and not grind to an fatal, and unproductive halt?  The trick is to adopt a 'baby steps' attitude.   Allowing your business to stall completely over the summer months will cause you more work in the fall - therefore plan your summer in advance - with a goal toward giving yourself a (hopefully) well deserved break - but as a minimum keep doing those small but essential activities that translate to loyal clients and business down the road.  Of course, continue to keep in touch with your clients, but keep it light - more relaxed and creative ways abound in the summer months .  Golf tournaments, city events (ie: Kempenfest) backyard neighbourhood BBQs, or charity fundraising events are great ways to bump into clients, or potential clients.  Attending these events are a fun way to network while enjoying the summer.  Meet new people - promote your services and have some fun!

Stay Safe and enjoy :)