Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Changing your Coach or Business Systems?

My kids are convinced that NEW pencil crayons work better than old ones!!?  We go through the same 'dance' every fall with back to school supplies etc.  Every year I suggest sharpening the old ones.  The new products look better - have fancy new names - but, at the end of the day, a red pencil crayon (blazing red) is still a red pencil crayon.

Let's compare pencil crayons to the never ending supply of  Real Estate Coaching Products available on the market today.  As an agent, are you easily attracted to the new coaching - new systems - new software?  Assuming you currently have a system, or a business coaching program in place, consider the following;

I've attended countless Sales Rallies over the years, featuring many fabulous and effective Selling/Coaching Systems.  I've seen some agents switch coaches (literally) from rally to rally and have scratched my head about the possible reasons.  As you sit examining your business year-to-date (you should be doing this regularily by the way) analysing your effectiveness and goals reached thus far, don't be too quick to throw out your old red crayon if your numbers aren't what you'd hoped they'd be.  Look deeper.

How long have you been working your current system?  Have you given it enough time to work? How long should that be?  Some of us tend to give up too quickly and chase 'what's new and what's next'.

Does the potentially new program compliment what you are already doing?  Does it line up with what you personally believe in, and feel comfortable doing (as applied to your potential clients and growing your business) - because let's face it, if you don't feel comfortable 'door knocking' or 'cold calling' (for example) you ultimately won't do it.  How much of what you currently have in place will really change with a new program?  Is it a systems problem OR a motivational problem?  Could your work ethic be the problem?

The simple truth in sales, is that there's no quick fix or magic solution _ to be successful in sales it's hard work.  If you aren't working hard enough or smart enough now, a shiny 'new crayon' isn't going to colour any better for you in the future.

By the way, if you don't currently have a system - then you need one (review paragraph 5 above).  Decide what you enjoy most about this business and apply a program that allows you to maximize your 'likes'.  Coming to work (most days) :) loving what you do and being effective at doing it - will lead to success.

Happy Selling,

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